Quality Software proudly made in Germany!
Norbert M. Doerner
Wachsbleiche 26
D-53111 Bonn
Email: norbert@cdfinder.de
Fon: +49 (228) 90916279 (remember, we are in Germany, that might be a very different time zone from yours!)
Twitter: www.twitter.com/NeoFinder
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NeoFinder
The people behind NeoFinder (previously known as CDFinder):

His most ambitious software project is the popular digital asset manager NeoFinder, which he started creating as CDFinder in 1995.
Aside from writing software, he also writes articles for computer tech magazines, such as Germanys largest computer magazine, the c't, or the MacTech magazine.
Andreas Becherer, also Diplom-Informatiker (masters degree in computer science), comes from the Windows side of things. He has experience with writing financial software for governments, and extensive database development, design and deployment background. Since 1998, he is the lead developer of CDWinder for Windows, now called abeMeda.
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Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß §10 Absatz 3 MDStV: Norbert M. Doerner
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